Blah blah blah
2002-10-15, 9:00 a.m.

*yawn* morning. I'm skipping school today. I think already said that yesterday? I don't know. My thoughts are kind of jumbled. I woke up at 8:15 and took a nice long 45 min shower. I am at a new low. 95. I have Julio in an hour and a half so I have tons of time to kill and get ready. I saw a deal at Sav-on for a buy one get one free crackers and cookies type thing for 1.99 so I think I'll go there before Julio and stock up on some groceries again. I'm going to get those wheat thins and animal cookies I think. I have been fluctuating from having a binge and purge 3 times a day to not eating at all for like 2 or 3 days. Like let's take from now to last Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday i didn't eat, thursday I didn't b/p till that evening, once. Friday I b/p, Saturday I b/p Sunday I didn't eat, Monday I didn't eat...and now here we are back at Tuesday. It's weird. I guess I'm just frustrated with not losing from b/p. I'm majorly craving a binge with clam chowder and bread and icecream and cupcakes. I might do that after Julio if I don't go to 5th period physics which I probably won't. I'll probably miss another quiz but oh well. I'm too tired to do school. I'm too tired to do anything, even sleep. I am sleeping terribly waking up constantly and having scary, vivid dreams. It's one thing to have a nightmare but when you're home alone it's even worse.

Okay, time to get ready.
On a side note: Mehl. My Dear Love. I Love You. With all my heart, I love you. I will always love you, don't ever doubt that
