the world didnt stop spinning
2002-06-13, 9:48 p.m.

The world didn't stop spinning. Such an easy concept yet its so hard for me to grasp. It seems that with the amount of suffering I am feeling, everyone will stop what they're doing to pull me out of my pit, to keep me from drowning. But no one seems to reliaze the extent of my hurt. That my hurt isn't just words or tears or cuts, its deep down.

It seems with my world crashing down, everyone would come with it. Or atleast take a second to notice me. Just turn your heads, please, and try to take a glimpse. *sigh* but no one even tries to understand.

I once was at a restaurant observing this father and a daughter. I was with my dad and really uncomfortable. It seemed she was too. It seemed that just looking in her eyes she was hurting from her hair follicles to the end of her toes and was struggling to form words to say to her father. I looked around and reliazed no one else is seeing this. She is in her own world like I am. She is hurting, and no one is noticing, and people are laughing at the next table over and enjoying themselves.

The world didn't stop spinning. The world didn't stop spinning. The world didn't stop spinning. The world didn't stop spinning. The world didn't stop spinning. Wow.

So this is odd. The painful reliazation that all has gone wrong, and nobody cares, nobody cares at all.

That sums it up perfect. That quote is what it means for the world not to stop spinning. Everything has gone wrong and crashed on you, and nobody has the courtesy to look over their shoulder and acknowledge it.

and it depresses the hell out of me.
