2004-09-22, 2:19 p.m.

my head is going pound pound pound pound. i just woke up from a nap. when i went to sleep my head was going pound pound pound pound. i take two more aleve even though i shouldn't take anymore for another lifetime.

i thought i'd have a morning b/p session before english. that'd make twos in a row. while purging, my head started intensly throbbing. i sucked it up and kept going. I finished and knew I was not going to make it to english. I washed up and fell into bed.

I hate myself and want to die. I hate myself want to die. I hate myself and want to die.

Why can't I just lose weight. Why can't I stop shoving every food item into my face every fucking day. Why won't my head stop throbbing. Why am I so FUCKING exausted everyday.

Someone please give me some answers. I'm out of control.

Leaving Julio's office yesterday, he whispered "You're an addict."
